
Scripting, Blogging, Flow, Living, Recruiting, & Brainstorming

Scripting for Success - Micro Persuasion
At its purest, scripting helps teams know their initial plays inside and out. This minimizes mistakes, establishes momentum and dictates the flow of the game.

With 15.5 Million Active Blogs, New Technorati Data Shows that Blogging Growth Seems to be Peaking - Business Week
Is it slowing or peaking? It may well be, as Rubel and Gartner argue that, most people interested in setting up their digital soapboxes already have. And that folks are opting to do other types of social media, including video, podcasts, and social networks, which appeal to them more.

Try Flow, Bank Serotonin and Meditate to Tap into Creativity and Avoid Braincramp - Brain Based Biz
Danica Radovanovic suggests that flow, banking serotonin and practicing meditation work to get past times when folks encounter blocks that prevent creativity.

How You Tell the Story of Your Life - Talent Development
84 hotel workers are told that the work they do (cleaning hotel rooms) is good exercise and satisfies the Surgeon General's recommendations for an active lifestyle. Four weeks later they had decreased all of the following: weight, blood pressure, body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, and body mass index.

In Fierce Competition, Google Finds Novel Ways to Feed Hiring Machine - New York Times
"It comes down to just getting them introduced to our culture, showing them that, hey, being part of Google could be a lot of fun," said Ken Krieger, a Google engineer who had volunteered to supervise the Lego-building contest. Note: You also might want to check out Cringely's The Final Days of Google.

The brainstorm - a trojan horse of mediocrity - adliterate
Democracy is great as a way of ensuring that the will of the people is brought to bear in governing of their lives. But it pretty much ensures that blandness is the output we most readily associate with the brainstorm.


Brain Theory, Digital, Design, & Mentoring

Jeff Hawkins' TEDTalk on how brain science will change computing - Ted Blog
Jeff Hawkins brought us the indispensable Palm and Treo -- now he's turned his attention to the human brain, looking to our gray matter for clues to the next generation of powerful computers and software. More on Jeff Hawkins.

David Weinberger's "Everything is Miscellaneous" - eLearning Technology
Digital technologies are are having an impact on knowledge creation and decision making.

Design Shouldn't Always Mean Instructional Design - Tom Werner
My colleague Janet Clarey noted a Jay Cross nanocast with Mark Oehlert, posted at Learning Light, in which Mark called for better design of the use of emerging technologies for learning.

Workplace Loyalties Change, but the Value of Mentoring Doesn't - Knowledge Warton
The researchers also learned that Sun's mentoring program was least effective for the highest performers. This was an especially startling result since most mentoring programs focus on developing high performers with high potential, and led the researchers to conclude that "the better investment for Sun would be to spend the money on lower performers to help them raise their level of performance."


Informal Learning, Copyright, Job Satisfaction, & Genius

Formal & Informal Learning - Knowledge Jump
Informal learning gets 86% of all learning investments, while formal learning programs get 14% of the total investment.

Hijacked Disney Characters Explain Copyright - Wired
A movie posted on Stanford University's site called "A Fair(y) Use Tale" mashes up all your Disney favorites to humorously and effectively explain copyright law. The ten minute movie, directed by Eric Faden, came out of Stanford University's Fair Use Project Documentary Film Program.

Job satisfaction doesn't guarantee performance - Seattle PI
Three decades of data derived from thousands of employees in a cross-section of jobs -- blue collar and white collar -- prove that although job satisfaction and job performance do correlate, one does not cause the other.

Genius: 2012 - The New Yorker
Video - Malcolm Gladwell talks about the importance of stubbornness and collaboration in problem-solving, and how long it takes to master any challenge. Via Anecdote.

Your learning skills were at peak when you were 6 to 10 The Economic Times
Before age 12, the brain is racing to wire itself, making more connections between nerve cells that in turn enlarge vital regions. This is a time of rapid learning, the reason why it is easier to learn a foreign language as a young child than as a teenager or adult, Gilmore said. Also, see SiAm.


Generational Learning Styles, mLearning, Rapid Development, & Web 2.0

What is the "gap" in Generational Learning Styles? - The Pursuing Performance Blog Many social commentators have claimed that the younger generation of soldiers have shorter attention spans and learn best from fast paced, interactive multimedia games or simulations. While this seems intuitively correct, there is no scientific validation for the claim.

Generational Values in Workplace More Similar Than Not, Research Says - CLO
Despite recent emphasis on generational differences in terms of motivation, value systems and learning preferences at work, a research scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership has found the "generational divide" is not really that prevalent.

Issues in mLearning & Zooming in on learning in the digital age - learning elearning Digital literacy in young people spans a wide range. Some of us early 'digital immigrants' may actually be more digitally literate that the generation Y digital native. With links to Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence Mobile Learning Initiative and NZ Council of Educational Research.

5 Myths About Rapid E-Learning - Articulate
The reality is that having rapid e-learning tools and a strategy to use them is important in today's business climate. To get the most out of the tools you need to include sound instructional design and use the tool's multimedia capabilities to create engaging and interactive training.

Web 2.0 'neglecting good design' - BBC
Sites peppered with personalisation tools are in danger of resembling the "glossy but useless" sites at the height of the dotcom boom.

Why Does Wikipedia Suck - Epidemix
Here's my beef: Wikipedians are at their best when they are able to use their knowledge, be it bonafide expertise or particulates of trivia, to fill in the blanks for our collective intelligence. But I find that when it comes to science topics, I often find Wikipedia more of a hinderance than a help.


Presentations, Informal Learning, Web 2.0, Generation X, Ethics

World's Best Presentation Contest Winners Announced - Guy Kawasaki
Slideshare.net announced the winners of the World's Best Presentation Contest.

The Research Evidence Against Informal Learning - The Pursuing Performance Blog
The evidence from the past 50 years of research on this issue is unequivocal - unguided or minimally guided discovery and constructivist learning programs simply do not work for more than a very small percentage of people.

2007 Business Intelligence Report (summary) - CLO
The BIB (Business Intelligence Board) reports that on average 58 percent of the learning occurring in their organizations is informal.

A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users - Pew Internet
Half of all American adults are only occasional users of modern information gadgetry, while 8% are avid participants in all that digital life has to offer.

Who Is Generation X? - CLO
When addressed in the context of the talent market, this generation often is lumped in with the millennials (or Generation Y), mainly because these two groups are presumed to have similar traits, values and life experiences.

2007 World's Most Ethical Companies - Ethisphere
"The food service industry is the largest industry in the world--and McDonald's has clearly stood apart in introducing healthier food fare, sustainable packaging, food safety, and ethical purchasing practices," say the editors in launching the index.


mLearning, Values, & Web 2.0

Introduction to Special Issue on Highly Mobile Computing - RCET
Highly mobile digital devices have become so inexpensive and ubiquitous that they are considered part of the fabric of society; however, they are not part of the fabric of schools. While schools are holding on to oral traditions, textbooks, and learning that is linear, current learners live in a different world with different media that allow for different ways to access information

Returning to Values to Make an Impact - Leader Values
Based on research there seems to be unanimous consensus that a change in values cannot occur but the work of Emile Durkheim demonstrates how a "symptom of crisis" can lead to a loss of values. Durkheim's work shows us how the present reality of values erosion can take place which puts leaders in a place where they need to understand how values arise.

Are You an Omnivore or Mobile Centric? - Sci-Tech Today
Web 2.0 and the Internet, cell phones and smartphones, laptops and PDAs, YouTube and Facebook -- Are you the kind who can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, or wish they were never invented? If you can't live without 'em, you may be what a new study from Pew Internet calls an Omnivore, a voracious user of technology that loves Web 2.0 and social networking.

The social technography of Web 2.0 - ars technica
Mac users are almost twice as likely to generate content on the web as Dell users, according to a new report by market research firm Forrester. The report, titled "Social Technographics," identifies six different levels of social media participation on the web and breaks down the numbers between the users of two major computer brands: Apple and Dell. Via Musings from Mars.


Prototyping, KM, Innovation, Baby-Boomers, Outsourcing

Looking Back on 16 Years of Paper Prototyping - User Interface Twelve
In woodworking, sandpaper comes in different grains. Course-grain sandpaper can change the shape of the wood dramatically, whereas fine-grain sandpaper gives the artisan the control to make the details sharper. The same is true when designing. We think of paper prototyping as the course-grain sandpaper and electronic-version testing as the fine grain.

there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth - Cognitive Edge
You know its interesting to see the way in which people involved in social computing are paranoid about distinguishing themselves from Knowledge Management (KM).

Innovation Should be Change for the Greater Good - FC Now
Innovation should be about good DESIGN, about inspiration, about ART, about culture, about creativity, about nature and green.

Boomer Reality - Manage Smater
For a couple of years, everyone was having a fit about what was billed as the upcoming workforce crisis. "In 2010," we read everywhere, "there will be a shortage of 10 million workers, and the competition for talent will be savage."

In Delhi, it's the dead end for E-learning - E-learning in India
Given the shape of e-learning in Delhi and the NCR region one cannot help but wonder whether we have over-sung the outsourcing song.