
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 3/28/2005

Denham Grey: Personal Learning My thoughts around learning have been profoundly altered by reading Wenger, Brown & Duguid and von Krogh and focus on collective workplace practices. Seeing What's Next: Porter, Drucker and Christensen "If I were to be assigned to do some innovation research today, I would use a combination of all three approaches, looking at the markets, and potential markets, and the forces that drive them, from all three perspectives" -- Dave Pollard. Five Lenses: Towards a Toolkit for Interaction Design Mind, proxemics, artifacts, social, & ecological. Metcalfe's Law overshoots the mark Metcalfe's Law, a rule of thumb that computes the value of communication networks, is overly optimistic. The Empathy Economy "Design thinking" can create rewarding experiences for consumers -- the key to earnings growth and an edge that outsourcing can't beat. Knowledge in U.S.: I know I'm right and you're wrong (requires free registration with the Chicago Tribune) A decade or more deep into the Age of Information, we are becoming accustomed to being deluged with the stuff. Outsourcing: The cost equation Outsourcing could cost some companies more, some less. Take a look at the metrics worked out. Majority of Employees Believe Training Benefits Performance A survey of employees by CIPD), finds that almost four of five respondents (79 percent) say their employer offers enough training opportunities and 94 percent of respondents who have undertaken training in the past 12 months believe the training they received has helped them do their job better.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 3/13/2005

Learning Networks - The New Framework Stephen Downes presented a work in progress in Palermo this week, Learning Networks - Theory & Practice. Leading the Transition from Classrooms to Learning Spaces The convergence of technology, pedagogy, and space can lead to exciting new models of campus interaction. Developing Self-Directed Learners According to Abdullah, self-directed learners are "responsible owners and managers of their own learning process" Telling Tales with Technology As it gains popularity in classrooms around the country, digital storytelling takes on local flavor and evolves in new directions. Technology Trendsetters Today's edition of the International Herald Tribune reports that Singapore tops a recent World Economic Forum survey of countries around the world -- and their technological efficiency. The Future of Work The Book.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 3/9/05

Knowledge at the Top and Bottom One of the most human characteristics of human knowledge is that the "top" of the knowledge heap and the "bottom" of the knowledge heap, while they may seem far apart, are intimately related and not necessarily removed from each other. Blogs and the values of journalism For me, the defining moment at the "Blogging, Journalism and Credibility" conference held at Harvard recently came in an exchange between Jimmy Wales, creator of Wikipedia, and Jill Abramson, managing editor of The New York Times. Abramson was responding to the idea that blogs could displace traditional news-gathering organizations. "Do you know how much it takes to run our Baghdad operation?" she asked. "One million dollars." Wales responded that the Encyclopedia Britannica is a $350 million operation but Wikipedia is "kicking its butt." Teamwork: Close Doesn't Always Count in Winning Games (free subscription required) Social scientists who have studied group performance under pressure say that often it is decentralized groups (like the Yankees) that prove more resilient than strongly connected ones (like the Red Sox); they are better able to weather outside criticism and internal quarrels. Three things about knowledge management FOR many, the main commodity they can trade is knowledge. Our value is based on what and who we know, rather than what we are able to produce.

Knowledge and Learning In The News - 3/9/05

Knowledge at the Top and Bottom One of the most human characteristics of human knowledge is that the "top" of the knowledge heap and the "bottom" of the knowledge heap, while they may seem far apart, are intimately related and not necessarily removed from each other. Blogs and the values of journalism For me, the defining moment at the "Blogging, Journalism and Credibility" conference held at Harvard recently came in an exchange between Jimmy Wales, creator of Wikipedia, and Jill Abramson, managing editor of The New York Times. Abramson was responding to the idea that blogs could displace traditional news-gathering organizations. "Do you know how much it takes to run our Baghdad operation?" she asked. "One million dollars." Wales responded that the Encyclopedia Britannica is a $350 million operation but Wikipedia is "kicking its butt." Teamwork: Close Doesn't Always Count in Winning Games (free subscription required) Social scientists who have studied group performance under pressure say that often it is decentralized groups (like the Yankees) that prove more resilient than strongly connected ones (like the Red Sox); they are better able to weather outside criticism and internal quarrels. Three things about knowledge management FOR many, the main commodity they can trade is knowledge. Our value is based on what and who we know, rather than what we are able to produce.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - March 6, 2005

March 6, 2005
The Time Is Now In a climate of globalization, mergers and the never-ending drive to accelerate product development, organizations need-more urgently than ever-to tap into resident knowledge. Anti-patterns, avoiding pitfalls Anti-patterns alert you to traps, unforgiving situations, bad places and practices that just do not work! Planning for Neomillennial Learning Styles Shifts in students' learning style will prompt a shift to active construction of knowledge through mediated immersion. A Learning Object Approach to Personalized Web-based Instruction The concept of web-based learning and the use of the Internet in teaching and learning have received increasing attention over the recent years. It is postulated that one of the main problems with e-learning environments is their lack of personalisation