The iPod came at exactly the right time, the convergence of storage, DRM, battery life, and media. More than that, the shuffle metaphor is right for our time.
Tags: iPod Podcasting
What type of minds to nurture? - BBC
According to Howard Gardner of Harvard University, there are at least five kinds of minds that we should be developing: : disciplined, synthesising, creating, respectful, and ethical.
Tags: Howard Gardner Five Minds
There is nothing like data...... - Gene Expression ruin a perfectly good theory. So says Beth Visser and colleagues in the latest edition of Intelligence. She tested Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI), gasp!, empirically. Also see Gardner's response.
Tag: Multiple Intelligences
Wiki's world - Wiki's World
In August, Jimmy Wales, the founder and chairman of Wikipedia, sent out a message to the huge, anonymous army, tens of thousands strong, who regularly contribute to the English-language version of the free online encyclopaedia. His message was crisp and to the point: We don't want necessarily more, we want better.
Tag: Wiki
Why Wikis Are Conquering The Enterprise - Internet News
Unlikely as it may seem, wikis are now being adopted by enterprises large and small more quickly than celebrities adopt African orphans.
Tag: Enterprise