A three part video series give fascinating insights into the life and work of Warren Buffett.
Web 2.0's Real Secret Sauce: Network Effects - Dion Hinchcliffe
The Web is the fabric upon which an ever increasing amount of our lives is woven into. This is now most media including newspapers, TV, radio, entertainment, music, arts, etc. as well as what I call lifestyle logistics; e-mailing, IMs, calendaring, travel planning, time/task management, and more.
Scientists Find Memory Molecule - PhysOrg
Erasing the memory from the brain does not prevent the ability to re-learn the memory, much as a cleaned computer disc may be re-used. This finding may some day have applications in treating chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, and memory loss, among other conditions.
Balance (video) - YouTube
You(r) Tube - Hindustan
YouTube is the most happening thing on the Net. It's about how technology can make us reach a global audience from the comfort of our homes, and for free.
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