
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 01/03/2007

Thinking, Linking, Doing - Creative Generlist
Filters make vast catalogues of music, books, advertising, and videos accessible and applicable to consumers and researchers, filters play an essential role in transforming ideas into creative endeavour.

Natural numbers, networks & communities - Cognitive Edge
The history of experts in science is not good when it comes to innovation. There are various ways in which this can be done. One of the most effective is to create a short term programme in which a group of experts are required to work with people on difficult or intractable problems with people from radically different backgrounds.

Blogs and wikis: ready for prime time? - KM World
Blogs began springing up more than a decade ago as a way for individuals to maintain online diaries, voice their opinions on politics and vent about consumer products. They proliferated rapidly, and thousands became millions. Tainted perhaps by the image of bloggers as gossipmongers, blogs were not taken seriously as enterprise applications until fairly recently. Now, a wide variety of enterprises are beginning to see the value of blogs in functions ranging from customer communication to tracking and reporting.

The "Dumbness of Crowds" - Creating Passionate Users
Read the book and you'll see just how significant and powerful the aggregation of individual knowledge really is, and how in the right circumstances with the right constraints, the wisdom found in that group CAN be smarter than the smartest individual in the group. But he never says the group itself becomes smarter when they work together to produce a result as a group.

iPOD RIPPER - Hammacher Schlemmer
A new universal iPOD RIPPER that "converts any type of video or audio, including cassette tapes, vinyl records, television shows, and VHS tapes" and puts it on your iPod -- no PC or Mac required. It comes with all the RCA, S-Video and other cables you need.

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