Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/31/2005
Concept Maps Go to School
Cmaps can be used to assess student knowledge, encourage thinking and problem solving instead of rote learning, organize information for writing projects and help teachers write new curricula. Free download (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris).
A Conversation with James Surowiecki: The Promise and Perils of Collaborative Tools
James started the conversation by expressing his optimism about the upside potential for collaborative technologies, which are "immense, in the sense that we can learn from each other, and pass critical information to each other."
Eportfolios are the current blog-volume trend. Scott Wilson provides an excellent overview, Stephen Downes links to an extensive report and also provides his own views on the future of online learning (.ppt)...and I just came across this link to a facilitator's guide to portfolio development.
Students Imagine Design's Future
Spread through several rooms and halls in two different school locations, projects in this year's show range from computer animation to high-tech ecology to innovations in software. More of the student's work can be found here. Link to the school's homepage.
AI Seduces Stanford Students
Psychologists and salesmen call it the "chameleon effect": People are perceived as more honest and likeable if they subtly mimic the body language of the person they're speaking with.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/30/2005
Brain Region Linked to Metaphor Comprehension
Metaphors make for colorful sayings, but can be confusing when taken literally. A study of people who are unable to make sense of figures of speech has helped scientists identify a brain region they believe plays a key role in grasping metaphors.
Thwarted innovation: what happened to e-learning and why
This study debunks three failed assumptions: 1)If we build it they will come, 2) The kids will take to e-learning like ducks to water, and 3) E-learning will force a change in the way we teach. With link to PDF file.
Taking The E-train
Online training programs continue to flourish on the plant floor and in the office.
Implementing knowledge strategies: lessons from international development agencies
This study emphasises that the ideal entry points for knowledge and learning are largely organisational specific and that within this context the suggested Knowledge Strategies framework may help with a gap analysis and priority setting. With link to PDF file.
Weblog Video
Using weblogs in the classroom video.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/28/2005
How to be a Good Learner
PowerPoint Slides and MP3 Audio on Stephen Downes’ survey of the three major characteristics of good learning behavior.
Innovation: Core Competency for the 21st Century
Despite the growing recognition that innovation is the only sustainable source of growth, competitive advantage, and new wealth, fewer than 25 percent of companies believe innovation performance is where it needs to be if they are to be successful in the competitive marketplace.
Brain Plasticity
The history of KM has been one of hype, failure and disappointment.
Video Storytelling: Rule of Thirds
How do you frame your pictures for maximum effect? (with video)
The World is Flat
A video with Friedman discussing his latest book, The World Is Flat, describes the unplanned cascade of technological and social shifts that effectively leveled the economic world, and accidentally made Beijing, Bangalore and Bethesda next-door neighbors. From elearnspace.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/26/2005
Make Mine a Grande Frappuccino
Landed.fm Executive Producer Dawn Fotopulus reports from the recent Human Resource Institute's Issue Management Conference titlted "Next Practices in People Management." Presenters at the HRI conference included HR executives from Starbucks, Coca-Cola, and Shell. (With Podcast)
11 steps to a better brain
It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive book worm. There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behaviour that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells.
We Gather Together
For many reasons we hear about community: podcasting communities, learning communities, online communities. Where are these communities going? What are the elements? (With Podcast)
New study supports use of humor in online courses
"We did not expect to find differences in performance and we did not find differences in performance, because our view is that humor itself is not some learning potion," Shatz said. "Humor is more of a social lubricant. It can facilitate interactions, and that is exactly what we found."
Full Spectrum Warrior debate
Some people are criticizing the US Army's involvement with the computer game Full Spectrum Warrior.
Peripheral vision and ambient knowledge
We filter incoming data (typically processing about 10% of available inputs) and perform intuitive pattern matching to make sense of a situation.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/24/2005
Learning from Google
Should humanity survive the next few hundred years, we'll look back at the early decades of 21st Century and think of that time as the learning revolution, much as we now think of the turning decades of the 19th century as the industrial revolution.
BusinessWeek's Special Report on PodCasting
Includes a podcast on podcasting. Several interesting features.
The virtue and vice of audio
Audio is a special medium: It's impossible to skim. When we listen, we have to hear every word in the order intended. We are taken from a start to the finish. And, of course, the nuance of the spoken word adds incredibly rich metadata to the mere content. There's a reason that "listening" implies appropriating what's being said in a way that "reading" doesn't.
Why some of us choke under pressure
Some people - even people who really know their stuff - just don't "test well." You can talk to them face to face, and they seem perfectly well informed and intelligent, but when the money's on the line, when they've sharpened their number 2 pencils and it's time to sit down for the big exam, they just crumble.
The size of topics
The Encyclopedia Britannica has about 65,000 topics spread across 32 volumes, for a total of 44,000,000 words. So now we know that that the average size of a topic is 676 words. This is deceiving, though, because the Britannica is famous for running articles up to 10 times longer than previous encyclopedias.
The New Profile of the Long-Term Unemployed
Today, the unemployment rate is relatively low at 5.2 percent and overall hiring has started to pick up again, particularly for younger workers coming out of college and professional schools. But the presence of middle-aged women and better educated white-collar workers among the long-term unemployed has increased.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/23/2005
E-learning becomes a workforce stimulant
Most learning management systems are purchased for specific business projects, but it isn't long before they start catering for employee interests, too - such as superannuation or share-option plans. In fact, organisations typically go through at least five phases until they reach full utilisation of these systems.
The Space Between: Creating a Context for Learning
This is about context on how groups of people create the context that makes information matter.
How video games help us learn: Searching for the mechanism
When asked to remember the locations of the buildings, passive viewers remembered significantly fewer of the objects inside the buildings than the navigators did.
Once and future KM
Let's pretend it's the mid-1990s, and you're thinking big. You’re just getting wind of the relatively new concept of knowledge management, which, at it simplest—getting the right information to the right people at the right time—makes perfect sense.
Corporate T&D Market Will Grow 8 Percent to $11 Billion This Year
Fueling that growth is e-learning, including virtual classrooms, Web meetings and conferences, which is forecast to grow by 30%.
Ontology Is Overrated: Social advantages in tagging
One of the problem users have with categories is that when we do head-to-head tests — we describe something and then we ask users to guess how we described it — there’s a very poor match.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/22/2005
The Role of Critical Thinking in the Online Learning Environment
Research indicates that critically reflective learning provides students with an opportunity to evaluate concepts learned and apply them to their experiences, contemplating its affect on future learning.
Conceptual Framework Learning Object
Navigating questions, processes, and steps of a conceptual framework.
Blog Research
Although blogs are currently used by only a small number of online consumers, they've garnered a great deal of corporate attention because their readers and writers are highly influential. Forrester believes that blogging will grow in importance. This leads to a PDF: Blogging: Bubble Or Big Deal?
eLearning shortens the curve
One of eLearning’s more significant developments is the use of interaction between the user and the media system to ask and answer questions or to exercise other learning activities to make the user think. What is significant about interactive presentations is how much they improve understanding and retention.
Where's e-learning headed?
e-learning has gone from a hyped-up novelty to a practical, beneficial enterprise learning resource.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/21/2005
Small Scale Intelligence Collection, Collation and Dissemination
Tools for competitive intelligence.
Hyperlink Obsolescence in Scholarly Online Journals
Hyperlinks to resources available on the Web are commonly used in footnotes or citation of references in scholarly online journals. A review of three well-established online journals revealed that nearly half of such links are broken, raising questions regarding the archival integrity of the published material.
Where To Submit Your Podcasts: Best Podcast Search Engines And Directories
Podcasting is making audio files (most commonly in MP3 format) available online in a way that allows use to automatically download the files for listening at their convenience.
Publisher's Guide To RSS
This new online reference is free to access and it provides a five-step process to support effective RSS publishing on the Web.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/16/2005
Intrinsic motivation doesn't exist
Reiss, a professor of psychology at Ohio State University, argues that a diverse range of human motivations can’t be forced into these categories of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.
No Wrong Answer: Click It
Professor Ross Cheit put it to the students in his Ethics and Public Policy class at Brown University: Are you morally obliged to report cheating if you know about it? The room began to hum, but no one so much as raised a hand. Still, within 90 seconds, Cheit had roughly 150 student responses displayed on an overhead screen -- 64 percent said yes, 35 percent, no.
Bricks and Clicks: A Comparative Analysis of Online and Traditional Education Settings
The two methods of instruction do not need to be rivals, as both possess advantages that meet the needs of different students and faculty.
Professorial trend spotter predicts end of written word
A respected scholar gives the written word until 2050 to become a curiosity of the past. Such talk may inflame those who cherish the written word and make educators shriek.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/15/2005
Keys for successful video: Produce cheap, be immediate, and be flexible
Lessons learned about producing video for the web and for mobile devices (streaming or dowload video).
The Role of Metaphor in Interaction Design
Metaphor -- That’s how the whole fabric of mental interconnections holds together. Metaphor is right at the bottom of being alive (PDF).
Horizontal Classrooms
This is what happens when you move from a vertical (command and control) classroom to a much more horizontal (connect and collaborate) flat classroom.
Synapse: The future of news
It’s mobile, immediate, visual, interactive, participatory and trusted. Make way for a generation of storytellers who totally get it.
Values Training
Value and ethics training in a value organization (NPR audio - podcast).
How Microsoft plans to beat its rivals
Microsoft has a multi-billion dollar pile of cash ready to invest, and Bill Gates has a strategy to fight his rivals.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/14/2005
Storytelling in Organizations
Stories and conversations are two of the primary vehicles of informal learning. They teach, they inform, they are fun, and they come naturally.
An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth
Process is more important than outcome. When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we've already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.
My First (sloppy) ScreenCast
Alan Levine and then Stephen experiment with screencasting.
The power of knowledge
Knowledge power is a soft type of power, if anything; it forms one of the major foundation stones for a great power.
Enabling Mobile Learning
The mobile revolution is finally here. Wherever one looks, the evidence of mobile penetration and adoption is irrefutable: cell phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), MP3 players, portable game devices, handhelds, tablets, and laptops abound.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/11/2005
Knowledge Workers Looking Offline
Today's professionals spend most of their time (53%) seeking out information.
Podcast - Balance is Bunk! Keith Hammonds, Deputy Editor, Fast Company
The quest for balance between work and life, as we've come to think of it, isn't just a losing proposition; it's a hurtful, destructive one.
America's Eroding Knowledge Edge
EMC's chairman warns that to remain tops, the U.S. has to improve its math and science education and boost its workforce's skills.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/0/2005
Information pertaining to a variety of software which can be used to develop learning situations.
Five steps to smart human capital growth
The U.S. employment report released on Friday shows a growth of 274,000 jobs in April.
The New Digital Divide
A new divide has opened up, one that is based far more on choice than on circumstance. Several million people (and the number is growing, daily) have chosen to become the haves of the Internet, and at the same time that their number is growing, so are their skills. Also, see jarche.
How Apple and Wiley are just like GM and the LA Times
In this instance, Apple - rightfully or wrongfully - told Wiley that they didn't appreciate and/or want the information to be made public. Wiley did so anyway, and Apple reacted by removed Wiley's products from their stores.
The assault on software giant Microsoft
The next two years will be crucial for software giant Microsoft. Under attack on numerous fronts, it could falter - or fight back to become even more dominant.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/09/2005
'Tagging' helps unclutter data
Here's how we tend to organize our digital photos: We stick them into a folder on our computer and label it "Hawaii trip," or whatever. Here's a new way: Forget folders or albums. Just "tag" the photos based on what's actually in each frame.
Engaging Employees Improves Bottom-Line Results
You won't engage people just by telling them about something. Only through them internalizing the issues and then inferring their own conclusions will engagement genuinely happen.
GATES VS. GOOGLE: Search and Destroy
Google has become a new kind of foe, and that's what has Gates so riled.
An experimental test of flashbulb memory
Emotionally charged memories are not like photographs.
Internet Growing As Main Source Of News Among Online Adults
The number of online adults who prefer the Internet as their main source of news has grown by over 35 percent in the last four years, at the expense of television and newspapers, a market research firm said Tuesday.
India high on soft skills, knowledge and creativity
There are five reasons why globalisation is an imperative for more and more Asian firms, according to Global Future: The Next Challenge for Asian Business by Arnoud De Meyer et al, from Wiley.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/08/2005
The Age of Engagement
Focus areas included global online data points; broadband, mobile and online advertising trends; and areas of innovation that are driving growth in Internet usage (PDF).
Why the World Is Flat (Wired)
In a three-month burst last year, Thomas L. Friedman wrote The World Is Flat to explain his updated thinking on the subject.
Learn More Now
Still think learning means school? Expand your definition of learning to include conversations with your peers and your children, from books, articles, informal networks, Internet searching, television, and what you learn through trial and error. Use everything that happens in your world as a resource to learn more now.
Skype: be afraid
The Skype client running on your computer can and will relay calls between other network users without your knowledge.
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 5/7/2005
Issues in e-Learning
The survey ranks 30 challenges according to how practitioners perceive their importance in effectively embedding eLearning within their organisations.
Podcast - Standing in the Gap
Crossing the Chasm and the Technology Adoption Life Cycle
Where Were You When You Realized the World Is Flat?
In the late 1990s a whole set of technologies and political events converged--including the fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of the Internet, the diffusion of the Windows operating system, the creation of a global fiber-optic network, and the creation of interoperable software applications, which made it very easy for people all over the world to work together--that leveled the playing field.
Theories and Practice of Online Learning
Distance education is a discipline that subsumes the knowledge and practice of pedagogy, of psychology and sociology, of economics and business, of production and technology.
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