
Collecting Knowledge and Learning - 02/24/2007

Invention vs. Innovation - The Technology Liberation Front
Apple doesn't invent much, but they do take technologies that are currently only available to people who are intimately familiar with gcc and vi, and makes them accessible to ordinary people.

It's information collaboration - Newsday
Research firm Gartner Inc., based in Stamford, Conn., is predicting that by 2009 half of companies worldwide will be using wikis, employers ranging from investment banks to book publishers to nonprofits are using them in a variety of ways.

A Digital Life - Scientific American Human memory can be maddeningly elusive. We stumble upon its limitations every day, when we forget a friend's telephone number, the name of a business contact or the title of a favorite book. However, new systems may allow people to record everything they see and hear--and even things they cannot sense--and to store all these data in a personal digital archive.

Does Wikinomics Have The Write Stuff? - Internet News
Wikis are all about collaboration, so it perhaps is no surprise that the authors of Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, have set up a wiki, Wikinomics wiki, to go with the best-selling book. In keeping with the wiki tradition, the Wikinomics wiki, hosted by Socialtext, lets its readers have the final say.

Most Business Tech Pros Wary About Web 2.0 Tools In Business - InformationWeek
For all the mind-numbing buzz about Web. 2.0, most business collaboration and information sharing remains mired in endless e-mail strings and scheduled conference calls. More than half of business technology pros surveyed by InformationWeek are either skeptical about tools such as blogs, wikis, and online social networks, or they're willing but wary of adopting them. Also, see how the Goverment is using web 2.0 technology.

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