The average I.Q. of children from well-to-do parents who were placed with families from the same social stratum was 119.6. But when such infants were adopted by poor families, their average I.Q. was 107.5 - 12 points lower. The same holds true for children born into impoverished families: youngsters adopted by parents of similarly modest means had average I.Q.'s of 92.4, while the I.Q.'s of those placed with well-off parents averaged 103.6. These studies confirm that environment matters - the only, and crucial, difference between these children is the lives they have led. (via Mind Hacks)
Manufacturing Knowledge - New Horizons for Learning
There is increasing evidence to suggest that memories aren't stored in individual neurons, but in the way the neurons are connected to each other. Some neurons are part of vast networks or systems; others only have small, regional connections. Some connections are well insulated and will last a lifetime; others are more fragile than soap bubbles.
Is Current Schooling Brain-Based And Brain-Compatible? - Brain Connection
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How To Manage A Virtual Workforce - Forbes
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The 3C3R Model: A Conceptual Framework for Designing Problems in PBL - Journal of Problem-based Learning
This paper introduces the 3C3R PBL problem design model as a conceptual framework for systematically designing optimal PBL problems.
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