
Social Networking, Informal Learning, Twitter, & Gaming

iMac & iBook

Improved collective performance: Investing in Web 2.0 - Knowledge Board

We are all very familiar with social networking platforms such as MySpace, Flikr, YouTube, Twitter, Bebo and Facebook. They are almost household names. This is not so of a new generation of social networking technology, which is being used to provide software services under trading names such as Ning, CollectiveX, Sossoon, Hiitch, Huddle, Mzinga, British Telecom's Workspace (project management), Clearspace, and even Microsoft's Sharepoint.

How does management respond to this? Traditional senior and middle managers, who have been taught to assure operational predictability by securing tight control over workforce behaviour and events, must be prepared to manage in a different and more subtle way. The reward for a controlled implementation, approached with a high degree of professionalism, is a system which will likely reap benefits for all involved.

Informal learning - the next big thing? - Training Zone

We are on the threshold of a paradigm shift in learning. We have new learning environments and tools that enable us to access knowledge more effectively and to share and collaborate in better ways.

Why I Love Twitter - O'Reilly Radar

  • Twitter is simple
  • Twitter works like people do
  • Twitter cooperates well with others
  • Twitter transcends the web
  • Twitter is user-extensible
  • Twitter evolves quickly

Not playing around: Army to invest $50M in combat training games - Stars & Stripes

The Army has created a video game unit and will invest $50 million over five years on games and gaming systems designed to prepare soldiers for combat.

KM Asia: keynote on social computing - Dave Snowden of Cognitive Edge

Includes podcast and slides (pdf). "What's new about the new economy is that work is conversation" - Alan Webber, Founder of Fast Company. "It always has been, we just forgot about it for a while" - Dave Snowden.

Immersive Learning Simulations - DevLearn ILS slides

DevLearn ILS slides
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: devlearn elearning)

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