
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 4/09/2006

Connectivity does not confer knowledge - Knowledge Jolf with Jack
Throwing a bunch of knowledge workers together via the internet does not automatically create a smart organization. Organizations still need a goal and leadership. People need to know how they should be smart and what is expected of those zillions of interactions that are possible.

Do laptops boost learning? - Argus Leader
Students also said in the survey that they preferred doing school work with the laptops and were more excited about learning. They also improved their technology skills because of the laptop use.

How's Your Workforce IQ? - Harvard Business Review
One of the largest companies in the oil and gas industry, BP LLP (formerly British Petroleum) is a federation of financially successful business units with over 100,000 employees. As BP's corporate leadership knows, size matters only if BP can leverage its knowledge of technology, customer relationships, and business methods across the company-without interfering with business unit autonomy. To promote such knowledge sharing behaviors, BP implemented three explicit "peer processes."

Are 21st Century Skills Right Brain Skills? - Education World
Successful players in this new economy will increasingly be required to develop and use the right-brain abilities of high concept (seeing the larger picture, synthesizing information) and high touch (being empathetic, creating meaning).

Study Links Punishment to an Ability to Profit - New York Times
Sociologists have long known that communes and other cooperative groups usually collapse into bickering and disband if they do not have clear methods of punishing members who become selfish or exploitative.

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