
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 12/5/2005

Porter thinks his way to the top - Times The death of Peter Drucker means that there is a new king of management thinking. Incudes the top 50 business brains. Tag: RMBL - what does it mean for KM? - Denham Grey This is an exploration of the RMBL (rip, mix, burn, learn) culture. Not copyright denouncement or P2P music stealing, but the potential to build on the ideas and works of others, the synergy that happens with sharing, the innovation that emerges from making novel connections & rework. Tag: Discovery disproves simple concept of memory as 'storage space' - EurekAlert Even if you could get more RAM for your brain, the extra storage probably wouldn't make it easier for you to find where you left your car keys. Tag: Growing pains for Wikipedia - c/net For Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, last week was a tough one. And he's going to change the ground rules for the popular anyone-can-contribute encyclopedia because of it. Tag: Thinking About Google and The Turning Point - John Battelle Google is coming close to a "worm turning" moment - a moment when the world realizes that the company is too powerful and its ambitions are too great. Tag:

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