
Big Think, Predictions, Technology, Word, Globalization, & Humanity

Creative Process -Big Think
Big Think makes its appearance today. Read the story behind it.

Google's Lunchtime Betting Game _ New York Times
Information is shared most easily and effectively among office neighbors, even at an Internet company where instant messaging and e-mail are generally preferred to face-to-face discussion.

Why Does Technology-Based Teaching Fail? - Mobile Learning
Alan Kay effectively translates his understanding of cognitive psychology and learning theory into new ideas for making computers easy to learn - and learn on.

An Interface of One's Own New York Times
Oh, Word. For 20 years, you have supported and tyrannized me. You have given me a skimpy Etch A Sketch on which to compose, a cramped spot on the sentence-assembly line.

Mapping Globalization - Princeton University and the University of Washington
A comprehensive definition of globalization: geographically expanding networks of transactions, where transactions may be of any type, and may have occurred at any time. This naturally supports a strongly historical perspective that includes trade, migration, transportation, communication, empires, and so on.

"A danger that the art of observation may be lost, and the richness of the human context ignored."

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