
Learning, Presentations, & Context - 4/12/2007

The Importance of Learning Slowly - Gary Woodill
Like neural networks, the brain is based on vector algebra, rather than numerical computations. Vectors have strength and direction, and many vectors, representing multiple inputs, unite to form a result. The result in the brain is strengthening or weakening of a set of neural connections, a relatively slow process.

Designing the Perfect Presentation - Business Week
In the accompanying slide show, seven keys I learned from Duarte that can be applied to any presentation.

Pearls Before Breakfast - Washington Post
Most of you have more than likey read this, if not, it is well worth the read: A test is performed of whether, in an incongruous context, ordinary people would recognize genius. The experiment consists of having a world famous violinist perform incognito in the Washington D.C.'s Metro during rush hour. Will people stop, listen, and observe because they recognize something great is happening, or will they ignore him because he is totally out of context with the surrounding environment? Note - be sure to view the comments too.

Context developers get it right - Tom Haskins
Afer reading the above link on context, you might want to see how it applies to learning design.

Diversity Training: Where It's Been, Where It's Going - CLO
Traditional diversity training has focused on sexual harassment, racial disparity or some other concept specific to a particular demographic, but Hannum said, in the future, diversity training will move toward more general concepts as the workforce becomes more demographically heterogeneous and faces more religious, racial, cultural, regional, even professional differences.

Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from the First Student Cohort - IES
Test scores were not significantly higher in classrooms using the reading and mathematics software products than those in control classrooms.

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