
Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/29/2006

Kintaro Walks Japan - Google movie (67 min.)
Kintaro Walks Japan is the meticulously filmed and edited story of Tyler MacNiven's 2,000 mile trek from the bottom of Japan to the very top. His five-month odyssey was meant to impress a girl and to find his American father's Japanese birthplace. Tyler arm wrestled 100-year old ladies, dodged trains in tunnels and walked into the hearts of the Japanese people, quickly becoming a celebrity.

What Video On The Web Should Be: Is Google Video A Model To Follow? - Robing Good
One of the more annoying aspects of the so-called "Web 2.0" movement is the preponderance of self-proclaimed experts on the topic who crow about the power of user-generated media but who become rather despondent about anyone's efforts to surface its value but their own.

Redefining The CEO - Business Week
Just over a decade ago, Steve Jobs was considered washed-up, a has-been whose singular achievement was co-founding Apple Computer back in the 1970s. Now, given the astounding success of Apple and Pixar, he's setting a new bar for how to manage a Digital Age corporation. NOTE: Cool slideshow -- click the rabbit or turtle in the upper-left hand corner to speed up or slow down (or click manually).


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/28/2006

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False - Jack Vinson
There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field.

My Commission Testimony - David Wiley
We must recognize that not only is "the world" changing, but our students are changing along with it. Normal life experience for today's undergraduates involves assumptions about instant, on-demand access to multiple sources of information and multiple people via myriad technologies.

Marketing Buzz Is A Conversation And Blogs Are Its Voices: The Global Conversation Is On - Robin Good
The Blogosphere allows people to search for answers, to challenge and to build on established theories. It gives a person a voice in the global conversation, which is unrestrained by national borders, although some governments do tightly control the use of the Internet.

Creating Concept Maps: Integrating Constructivism Principles into Online Classes - Brent Muirhead
Creating concept maps using the constructivism learning environment for an online class.

Learning 2.0 Bootcamp - Will at Work Learning
What is Learning 2.0? It's the idea that the web is changing from one that is driven by user searching and initiative, to one that is more amenable to subscription services for information compilation, etc.

'To be or, or ... um ... line!' - Inovations Report
"How do you learn all those lines?" It is the question most asked of actors and their art. The ability to remember and effortlessly deliver large quantities of dialogue verbatim amazes non-thespians. Most people imagine that learning a script involves hours, days, and even months of rote memorization. But actors seldom work that way; in fact, they often don't consciously try to memorize lines at all. And they seldom consider memorization as defining what they do.

The Pod People - Learning & Training Innovations
I am now a pod person, and I now understand that the same device that has revolutionized the music listening experience of its users will also have the same impact on training, as we know it.

What's the Difference Between Learning and Training? - Chief Learning Officer
The words learning and training have six letters in common and touch the same field of interest-education. Often the words are used interchangeably, but some say there is a subtle distinction between the two.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/25/2006

China and India: The race to growth - McKinsey Quarterly
India began its economic transformation almost a decade after China did but has recently grabbed just as much attention, prompted largely by the number of jobs transferred to it from the West.

'Stanford On ITunes' Is For Everybody - Forbes
In an unprecedented move, Stanford University is collaborating with Apple Computer to allow public access a wide range of lectures, speeches, debates and other university content through iTunes. No need to pay the $31,200 tuition. No need to live on campus.

Blogs as Personal Knowledge Management (podcast) - Bill Ives
A focus on personal productivity on how blogs can be used as personal productivity tools.

In The Mind's Eye: How The Brain Makes A Whole Out Of Parts - Science Daily
When a human looks at a number, letter or other shape, neurons in various areas of the brain's visual center respond to different components of that shape, almost instantaneously fitting them together like a puzzle to create an image that the individual then "sees" and understands, researchers at The Johns Hopkins University report.

What is the business of business? - McKinsey Quarterly
The relationship between big business and society can be viewed as an implicit social contract, with obligations, opportunities, and mutual advantages.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/23/2006

Companies struggle to pass on workers' knowledge - Business News
We're all "knowledge workers" now. But few organizations have figured out how to share knowledge among employees, or to pass it on when employees leave or change assignments.

Alacra Wiki - Harvard Business School
Thanks to the increasing popularity of Wikipedia, wikis are taking off as information resources. What separates wikis from other Web sites is that they rely on users to both contribute and edit content. Now business data aggregator Alacra has joined the parade with a wiki that points to sources of business information across a wide range of topics and industries.

Kineo Survey Shows Audio Learning is Back - Newswire
Kineo's survey on the use of audio learning indicates that it's back, and it's here to stay. As mobile learning devices become ubiquitous, Kineo predicts that 2006 will see a major increase in audio learning.

Study: College students lack literacy for complex tasks - CNN
More than half of students at four-year colleges -- and at least 75 percent at two-year colleges -- lack the literacy to handle complex, real-life tasks such as understanding credit card offers, a study found.

Rote learning to be eliminated from schools, says PM - ETNA
Rote learning will be eliminated from the Thai educational system this year--from kindergarten through doctor of philosophy classes, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced here on Saturday.

Amateur Video Sharing Grows Online - Yahoo!
"People have video all over the place, coming out of their ears," said Cynthia Francis, chief executive of Reality Digital Inc., which runs the ClipShack sharing site. "People are looking for a way to share that."


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/21/2006

Web users judge sites in the blink of an eye - Nature
Like the look of our website? Whatever the answer (and hopefully it was yes), the chances are you made your mind up within the first twentieth of a second.

The State of the Social Media Job Market - Micro Persuasion
Indeed.com has launched a new feature that enables you to chart the percentage of all jobs that mention a particular word.

Learners as Contributors - The End of the Industrial Model - Stephen's Web
I talked about this concept at the seminar in Edson today; Harold Jarche reviews some recent discussions from bloggers Christian Long and Education Bridges on the topic.

Don't Look Now, But It's Happening - John Battelle
As we move our data to the servers at Amazon.com, Hotmail.com, Yahoo.com, and Gmail.com, we are making an implicit bargain, one that the public at large is either entirely content with, or, more likely, one that most have not taken much to heart.

Controlling Chaos? - Harold Jarche
I'm not an expert on ontologies, the semantic web, metadata or controlled vocabularies, but I've had enough conversations with enough experts to know that more control will not address our information management needs.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/16/2006

A Model for Global Knowledge Management within the Enterprise - Colabria "...knowledge resides primarily in the heads of individuals, and in the social interactions of these individuals. It cannot be consider as an object such as data are in digital information systems." Tag: 13 Ways to Manage Informal Learning - Kineo Trainers may be failing in their role as learning professionals by ignoring informal learning as they are potentially ignoring 80% of the learning in their organisation. PDF file located here. Tag: DeVry blazing trails in knowledge economy - Chicago Sun-Times Can you break into knowledge economy job opportunities without going to Harvard Business School? Daniel Hamburger is a 1990 Harvard MBA who wants to assure everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge economy. Tag: Not Invented Here - Albert Ip Argubly, NIH may as well explain why people cannot agree on a common understanding of "learning object" - everyone wants to put a spin on it. Podcast: "One way" only approach to learnng design... - George Siemens A 6 1/2 minute podcast on personal frustrations with designers/developers who have an approach to learning...and try and use it for every situation. The requirement and environment of a learning need should define the approach... Tag: Colour my work world, employees say - Workopolis The best way to boost creativity and productivity might be to pick up a paint brush and turn up the lights, two new surveys suggest. More on creativity. Tag:


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/15/2006

Interactive learning fails reading test - Sydney Morning Herald INTERACTIVE computers used in British schools to teach children to read are harming their learning, research shows. The Unconference - The Gurteen Knowledge Website For the last few years I have been running knowledge cafes and conferences that were inspired by my frustration with traditional conference and speaking formats. Too often traditional conferences are "chalk and talk" and "death by powerpoint" and I wanted to get away from this format and create meetings that were a lot more interactive, participative, and conversational - where the participants (note I have never called them delegates) got to engage with the subject matter. 2006 Technology of the Year Awards - Info World What will be the most meaningful developments in 2006? What were the best products of 2005? Live From China - PBS Marketplace broadcasts live from China, presenting a range of special reports on Marketplace, the Marketplace Morning Report, and Marketplace Money. Kai Ryssdal hosts all three programs. Steve Jobs at Macworld: Reality Distortion Field in Full Effect - Fast Company So how is it that Apple gets its customers (and the media) to pay such rapt attention to new product announcements? Over a quarter-century, Jobs has cultivated a Willie Wonka-esque reputation for consistently delivering cool stuff, in a showy, dramatic way.


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/8/2006

The top 10 technology trends affecting education in 2005 - The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • 10. Blackboard's takeover of Web CT
  • 9. Moodle.
  • 8. Web 2.0
  • 7. The release of Open Office 2.0
  • 6. A renewed debate
  • 5. Podcasting!
  • 4. The $100 laptop
  • 3. Wikipedia's news reporting
  • 2. Firefox
  • 1. The browser-based application
Leadership Forecast 2005-2006: Best Practices For Tomorrow's Global Leaders - DDI Over 800 organizations from 42 countries participated in the study including Johnson & Johnson, Shell, Colgate and Volkswagen. In addition to the attached global report, there will be seven country reports comparing local findings with global norms. Learning technologies timeline - Bertram C. Bruce This timeline was created by University of Illinois students enrolled in courses on New Literacies, Literacy in the Information Age, Learning Technologies, or Computer Assisted Instruction. Each entry has a link to a student-created web page providing more details about the event; in some cases the page describes a sequence of events leading up to or following from the cited event. Via elearnspace. Tag: A Blog That Blogs Corporate Blogs - The New York Times The Fortune 500 Blogging Wiki (socialtext.net/bizblogs) amasses blogs maintained by employees of the biggest American corporations. Social computing: getting ahead of the blog Buoyed by media hype, popularity of Internet start-ups, and some interesting success stories, Weblogs (more commonly referred to as `blogs') are burgeoning across the Internet as a means to improve social conversation and networking. Strategists should assess business, organisational, and technological implications of `blogging' (and social computing in general) before chasing another tool under the allure of improved information/expertise sharing, collaboration, and community building. How wikis are changing our view of the world - c/net Although initially conceived as a form of communal publishing, the wiki is quickly evolving into a multipurpose interactive phenomenon. As evidenced in the aftermath of Katrina and the London bombings a month earlier, wikis can be a life-saving resource that provides real-time collaboration, instant grassroots news and crucial meeting places where none exist in the physical world. Tag:


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/5/2006

WHAT IS YOUR DANGEROUS IDEA? - The World Question Center From GREGORY COCHRAN: There is something new under the sun - us. Thucydides said that human nature was unchanging and thus predictable - but he was probably wrong. The Struggle To Measure Performance - Business Week Rigid rankings hinder the teamwork and risk-taking necessary for innovation. But what combination of methods works best? Tags: Now it's the knowledge economy, stupid "We are in an economy where we change jobs numerous times," Weissbourd said. "Learning to learn is the skill that is critical. Be able to read, write and learn new things." Tag: Nationwide study of learning needs some study itself - Statesman Jpurnal As states work harder on teacher quality, test scores go down. How come?


Knowledge and Learning In The News - 1/2/2006

Sticks and Stones and Snap Judgements - Smelly Knowledge Some issues, ideas, concepts, thoughts are complex and necessitate deep and thorough thinking. Tag: The 50 Greatest Gadgets of the Past 50 Years - PC World We're living in the golden age of the gadget. Don't believe it? Check your pockets. Odds are you're carrying a portable music player, an electronic organizer, a keychain-size storage device, a digital camera, or a cell phone that combines some or all of these functions. And you'd probably be hard-pressed to live without them. Tag: As knowledge explodes, so does mental overload: New technologies adding to stress - Associated Press Will all this instantly accessible information make us much smarter, or simply more stressed? When can we break to think, absorb and ponder all this data? Tag: Let Wikipedia be Wikipedia and The Probabilistic Age The debate on wikipedia. Tag: From the past: Personality Plus - Malcolm Gladwell Where did the Myers-Briggs come from, after all? Tag: