
Lean ISD, Social Learning, VAK, Joe Harless Video, & Google

Purple Flowers in Bloom

Lean Instructional System Design - by Wong Yew Yip (YY) in Ditagroup

It is not uncommon for learners who signed up for a particular course to find that what was delivered was not what they had expected. It is also not uncommon to hear of comments that the learning course has not brought about the desired results to solve performance issues or to improve performance levels. Such disappointments are very likely due to some design and development flaws in which the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of learning have not been effectively addressed. This can be overcome by knowing and applying the right Instructional Systems Design (ISD) model.

Social Learning Survey - The Masie Center

1,056 TRENDS readers responded to a Social Learning Survey last Friday. The results are interesting - looking at the methods, technologies and hurdles to implementing Social Learning in corporate settings.

Amazing learning styles research - Donald Clark Plan B

In this detailed, large-scale study, published in the Journal of Kinaesthetic Education (174-76 p64 2009), the VAK learning styles theory was put through its paces using 600 GVCSE students split into; a control group (no identification of learning style), along with selected Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic learner groups.

The Wizard of Newnan - Brother Joe Harless on Video from 1993 - Guy Wallace in The Pursuing Performance Blog

After last weekend's visit with Joe Harless - was it only a week ago? - he ventured into his storage space of Harless Performance Guild treasures and searched out a video that we had chatted about after our two video sessions.

It was him as a Wizard doing the Banquet Speech at the 1993 Chicago NSPI (now ISPI) Conference. It arrived in the mail on Thursday.

Google submission hammers section 92A - PC World

Google notes that more than half (57%) of the takedown notices it has received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998, were sent by business targeting competitors and over one third (37%) of notices were not valid copyright claims.
"While inadequate copyright protection can reduce incentives to create, excessive copyright protection can stifle creativity, choke innovation, impoverish culture and block free and fair competition. As both an intermediary and an innovator in online technologies, Google supports a flexible and adaptable legal framework that provides those who create and invest in new technologies the freedom to innovate without fear that their efforts will be hindered by an overly restrictive approach to copyright. Copyright must have sufficient flexibility so that new, legitimate and socially desirable uses, enabled by new technologies, can flourish."

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