Ever since BusinessWeek ran a breathless cover story titled "My Virtual Life" more than a year ago, reporters have been heralding Second Life as the here-and-now incarnation of the fictional Metaverse that Neal Stephenson conjured up 15 years ago in Snow Crash.
Mobile Learning - The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Vol 8, No 2 (2007).
Workplace Coach: There is a skill in delivering critical feedback - Seattle PI
Regrettably, there are people who equate offering feedback as license to criticize or judge. When feedback sounds like a personal attack ("you are rude/out of control"), most people will take it personally and respond defensively. Once in defensive mode, people can't hear anything else you are saying.
Can You e-Learn at Your Desk? - Breakthrough eLearning
Some eLearning is clearly meant to be accessed on-demand, as needed, at the desk. However, I really do not think that learning that requires a great deal of thinking, reflection, discussion, and competency development works while you are trying to squeeze it in among phone calls, reading and responding to emails, and having chats with whomever happens to come by your desk. Related article - Understanding E-Learning 2.0 By Tony Karrer.