Why One Way Of Learning Is Better Than Another - Science Daily
It is a well known psychological principle that learning is better when training trials are spaced out than when given all together; however, the differences between the two types of training can now be shown at the molecular level.
Steve Jobs' Presentation Secrets - Business Week
Learn what Jobs does to captivate his audience and how you can use his techniques (18 slides).
- storyboard the plot
- benefits
- offer Twitter-friendly headlines
- introduce the antagonist
- draw a roadmap
- create visual slides
- every 10 to 15 minutes, breaks up the content
- use zippy words rather than technical, vague, or confusing ones
- share the stage
- use props
- plan a water cooler moment
- practice... a lot
- have fun!
6 Great Twitter Quiz and Polling Apps - Read Write Web
A list of 6 services you can use to get the answers you need from your Twitter friends and followers
World's Best Design Programs - Business Week
Companies in every industry have adopted design thinking to offer fresh insight in functions from strategy to finance. Listed here are 39 master's and MBA programs from North America, Europe, Asia, South America and Australia that significantly integrate design thinking and business. One of the more interesting looking ones is a degree in Emotional Design from Brazil.
Ballmer: IBM should ignore profits, get back into the hardware business - Computerworld
This is kind of off the wall from what I normally post but there seems to be a great message in there (like maybe sometimes you should engage brain before opening mouth) -- "Ballmer told The New York Times that IBM made a mistake when it quit the PC, hard disk, and networking equipment businesses, because companies need to diversify if they want to profit over the long term." The article continues with,"I.B.M.'s strategy has worked out O.K. for its investors over the last decade. Shares of I.B.M. are up about 30 percent since 1999, while shares of Microsoft have dropped about 30 percent over the same time span."
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