
Data & Training, Learning, Folksonomy, Scenario Learning, Outsourcing, & Rapid eLearning

Steelhead Fishing

Training to Climb an Everest of Digital Data - New York Times

Science these days has basically turned into a data-management problem.

For the most part, university students have used rather modest computing systems to support their studies. They are learning to collect and manipulate information on personal computers or what are known as clusters, where computer servers are cabled together to form a larger computer. But even these machines fail to churn through enough data to really challenge and train a young mind meant to ponder the mega-scale problems of tomorrow.

Learning new tricks improves wiring in the brain - Reuters

"We tend to think of the brain as being static, or even beginning to degenerate, once we reach adulthood," said Heidi Johansen-Berg of Oxford University's department of clinical neurology, whose study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience on Sunday. "In fact we find the structure of the brain is ripe for change. We've shown that it is possible for the brain to condition its own wiring system to operate more efficiently."

Folksonomy folktales - KM World

The Dewey Decimal System is not a good example of a taxonomy. Folksonomies are the exact opposite of the wisdom of crowds. Hierarchies are not rigid, conservative and centralized.

Scenario Based Learning - Speak Out

A SlideShare presentation (20 slides)

The U.S. Is Outsourcing Away Its Competitive Edge - Harvard Business Blog

You focus on R&D and turn over the low-margin commodity manufacturing to contractors. You make out like a bandit because you have the intellectual property and your contractors have so much competition they cannot afford to charge you more. All this assumes your manufacturing partner is content to subsist on your table scraps. But what if they have their eye on the prime rib, too?

There's nothing rapid about Rapid eLearning - VMG

However, in today's times, it's worth understanding that rapid just isn't what it says it is.
As a testament to this, I did some quick research and found four studies over the past seven years to demonstrate the reality of the situation. Interestingly, the findings are very similar (see below for details): the time to create one full hour of an intermediate level, Captivate/Articulate style elearning product is around 200-250 hrs.

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