
Cognitive Load, Rorschach Test, Classrooms, Design, & Coffee

Floating Things

The Many Faces of Cognitive Load Theory - ASTD

Cognitive load theory has been used to generate a wide range of instructional procedures, some of which are summarized here. Each of the effects is concerned with procedures for reducing extraneous working memory load to facilitate knowledge acquisition in long-term memory:

  • The worked example effect
  • The split-attention effect
  • The modality effect
  • The redundancy effect
  • The expertise reversal effect

Answers to the Rorschach Test Revealed - Scientific American

A Canadian physician posted to Wikipedia all 10 inkblots of the Rorschach test. The test has a controversial history. The New York Times has an article on it: A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia?.

When Computers Leave Classrooms, So Does Boredom - The Chronicle

The biggest resistance to Mr. Bowen's ideas has come from students, some of whom have groused about taking a more active role during those 50-minute class periods. The lecture model is pretty comfortable for both students and professors, after all, and so fundamental change may be even harder than it initially seems, whether or not laptops, iPods, or other cool gadgets are thrown into the mix.

For more information see Learner Involvement and Instructional Design.

The Do's and Don'ts of Dark Web Design - Webdesigner Depot

As the above article notes, PowerPoiont is often used as a crutch rather as a creative tool. And while this article is aimed at web design, the concepts behind it can be used to improve PowerPoint slides as well as elearning programs. For more information see presentations and Instructional Design.


Check out the winners of this year's International Design Excellence Awards - all 151 of them. For more information on design see The Design of Herman-Miller's Aeron Chair.

Read this over coffee - LA Times

Coffee may prevent diabetes, heart disease and stroke, cancer, cirrhosos, and parkinson's disease. If you decide to enjoy it, read more about it at Wired Java Fanatic.

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