
Leadership & Revolution, Social Media, Memory, & Virtual Teams

Kids at Work
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How to stage a revolution - Technology Review

...the key to seizing power, or at least gaining a significant foothold, is the effective distribution of a small number of leaders within a larger group. "A better distribution pattern has larger influential region and greater clustering factor, which can equip the leaders with the capability of influencing more followers in a given period and strengthening the persuasion power on the followers as well," says the team.
That's an interesting idea which may explain why the effectiveness of internet-based grass-roots campaigns, both political and commercial, which we have seeen in recent years. The take-home point here is that it's not just what you're saying that's important, it's how you distribute your message.

Interactive, social media advertising to reach $55 billion - smart company

New figures from Forrester Research show the US interactive advertising market is set to reach $55 billion over the next five years. The forecast also shows that marketers will go from spending just 12% of total advertising budgets online to 21% of advertising budgets by 2014.

Why It Is Easy To Encode New Memories But Hard To Hold Onto Them - Science Daily

If you can't seem to forget those ABBA lyrics you heard in seventh grade but can't remember Lincoln's Gettysburg address, the vagaries of LTP might be to blame. Neuroscientists think that the process, in which a brain synapse becomes more potent after repeated stimulation, underlies the formation and stabilization of new memories.

Long-Distance Relationship Troubles in Virtual Teams - Human Resource Executive

New research shows that 13 of 14 common workplace-relationship problems, such as broken commitments, mistrust and misrepresentation of information, occur more than twice as often with virtual teams, as opposed to teams located in the same building.

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