Why We Learn More From Our Successes Than Our Failures - Science Daily
"We have shown that brain cells keep track of whether recent behaviors were successful or not," Miller said. Furthermore, when a behavior was successful, cells became more finely tuned to what the animal was learning. After a failure, there was little or no change in the brain - nor was there any improvement in behavior.
Also see this short essay from Signal vs. Noise: a recent Harvard Business School study found that when it comes to venture-backed entrepreneurship, the only experience that counts is success.
Another interesting view on the subject is Why is it hard to "unlearn" an incorrect fact?: You can overcome proactive interference by consistent (even silent) correction, especially when you space rehearsals over time. But it takes some conscious practice. We have to identify (or be told) when we have just made an error so that we can correct it immediately. Our inability to do so is typically the cause of the error's persistence.
Slides without presenters: three options - Clive Shepherd
The key is to approach the stand-alone slide show as something quite separate from a live presentation, which usually means significant adaptation. It also means choosing the most appropriate delivery format.
More information on presentations.
Rewards, dopamine and the brain: Could pennies and pills help you learn better? - Scientific American
Rewards, especially in combination with drugs that enhance the neurotransmitter dopamine, may boost both cognitive and tactile learning, according to research published today in the journal PLoS Biology.
Three Instantly Effective Social Media Ideas - Harvard Business
Many organizations lack the time, budget or experience to start from scratch. That doesn't limit your social media options to a generic corporate news blog or a standard-issue Facebook page.