The future of e-learning is social learning - Jane Hart
This first in a series on social learning, "What is Social Learning?, Social Learning platforms, and the role of Social Learning Professionals"
View more presentations from Jane Hart.
Text boxes - are they the new bullet point? - TJ Kopcha's Weblog
People present they way they do for a reason - it's a culture left over from the days of the overhead projector. And in those days, text was king.
Presenting With Visuals (UPDATED)
View more presentations from Rowan Manahan.
Michael Merzenich: Exploring the re-wiring of the brain - TED
Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich looks at one of the secrets of the brain's incredible power: its ability to actively re-wire itself. He's researching ways to harness the brain's plasticity to enhance our skills and recover lost function.
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