The ID Grrlz are Alright - eLearning Roadtrip
All agreed that ID models are best served as heuristics, "rules of thumbs", that help a designer navigate his or her way through the process of designing learning solutions and experiences. All agreed that sometimes instruction is just the right solution to improve learning and performance, and that sometimes more informal performance support at the point of need is better.You Do The Math: Explaining Basic Concepts Behind Math Problems Improves Children's Learning - Science Daily
Students benefit more from being taught the concepts behind math problems rather than the exact procedures to solve the problems. The findings offer teachers new insights on how best to shape math instruction to have the greatest impact on student learning.With conceptual instruction, teachers explain a problem's underlying structure. That type of instruction enables kids to solve the problems without having been taught specific procedures and also to understand more about how problems work.
eLearning. Adobe Captivate - ARZUMANYANTS' BLOG
John Medina in his keynote address at the eLearning Guild November 2008 conference talked about how the fundamentals of how a person learns do not change decade on decade - in fact, it is an evolutionary process. Believing in John (and I am not suggesting that we should not) leads us to a scenario where the workplace learning environment will not be significantly different than what we see today. However, our knowledge of this learning process is very far from complete. As our understanding of our learning processes improves, expect to see changes taking place to take advantage of the same.Harsh Cuts to Training - T+D Blog
A recently released study by Cognisco titled "Knowledge- the New Commodity," paints a grim portrait of investment in training. Average training per employee in the United States declined 11 percent from 2007 to 2008. Inside medium and large organizations, the number of learners per 1,000 employees is dropping precipitously.Any employee with a pulse could predict that much. What the survey indicates is the potential long term implications for the U.S. Severe cuts to training might save money now but will cost more in the future. The report makes the case that investment in training is tied to global competitiveness, not just annual survival.
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