Twitter had its origins a few years ago at a company called Odeo, a Silicon Valley startup that focused on podcasting. You could use Odeo to find podcasts; you could use it to listen to podcasts; and you could use it to make podcasts. Unfortunately for Odeo, two things happened. First, podcasting didn't take off as much as some had hoped; it was then (and remains) a niche interest. And second, in 2005, the biggest player in digital audio - Apple - added podcasting support to iTunes, which was already installed on the computers of every single human being who knew what a "podcast" was. So things were not looking good for Odeo.
So what was Odeo's response?
Our board was not feeling optimistic, and we were forced to reinvent ourselves.
Note: "Reinvent ourselves." Not: "Cut back on our staff a bit more every few months and hope the current business model can survive." Not: "Maintain a belief that we had a good product, damn it, a valuable product, and there will always be someone who wants it." "Reinvent ourselves."
Learning Styles
Discussion on 'Learning Styles" via TRDEV-L. The original post is
here, while my response is
here. All of the posts on learning styles can be found
Note that I belive anyone can read the messages in that you do not have to be a subscriber. If the site blocks you, please let me know.
Elements feels like a cross between Flickr's interestingness, Twitter's follow features and Tumblr's content submission, with a focus on sharing inspirational content. Users can explore Elements' recommended content, tell the system that they "like" items in order to view similar content, follow other users, upload or clip images and quotes, and see which other members like the same stuff.
Follow me on elements
There is no word that this avatar has been re-created on many thousands of Kanegawa Wiis and is trouncing untold numbers of Roger Federer lookalikes. But it's lovely to think that such frivolous games are now being used in the serious cause of truth and justice on the Miin Streets of Kanegawa.
What uses could the Will play in some of your learning processes?